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Conference Grant for CAP Young Planners

27 March 2018

Applications invited for grants for 2 young planners to attend CAPs South Africa Business Meeting and Planning Africa Conference, October 2018

I am very pleased to let you know that the CAP Executive Committee has agreed to offer grants of GBP £1,000 (British pounds) to two young planners to attend the CAP biennial Business Meeting and Planning Africa Conference 2018 (cost of which needs to be paid out of the prize money received) in Cape Town, South Africa 14-17 October 2018.

Grant applications must be from young planners in a CAP member association. A young planner is defined as someone (of any age) who is in the first 10 years of their career as a planner. Applications must be supported by a Sponsor. Applications should be submitted by email to Annette O’Donnell ( and include the following information:

  • Full Name and qualifications

  • Contact details: address, email and telephone number

  • Current position

  • Number of years as a planning student and years working as a planner

  • Name of the CAP association you are a member of

  • Sponsor details (name, position and email address of person who supports your application – this person should be a member of a CAP association)

  • An essay of no more than 1,500 words setting out your ideas on how young planners in the Commonwealth can contribute to making cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable, with examples of good practice. The essay must entirely be the applicant’s own work.

Applications must be received by Annette O’Donnell no later than 24.00 hours (UK time) on 15 June 2018.

The two candidates with the best statements as judged by CAPs President Dyan Currie and CAP Young Planners Co-ordinator Viral Desai will receive the grants. Successful candidates will be notified by 15 July 2018. The grants can only be used towards travel, conference registration or accommodation.

It is a condition of receiving the grant that each successful candidate must attend the Conference and submit a report on the Conference by the end of November for publication on the CAP web site. The grant will only be paid once Conference registration is fully confirmed and any necessary visa obtained. If a successful applicant does not attend the Conference then the grant must be returned in full immediately.

For further information please contact Annette or myself. Good luck!

Viral Desai
CAP Young Planner Co-ordinator

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