Update on CAPs ‘Healthy Urban Planning’ Project
13 December 2017
The UN Sustainable Development Goals adopted in 2015 and the subsequent New Urban Agenda radically changed the global policy agenda for cities and the context for town planning. In particular they placed an explicit emphasis on the need for the holistic planning of settlements and made challenging commitments to improving health. However, the challenge of integrating this radical policy framework - securing collaboration across urban policy - remains daunting. At the same time this represents an opportunity to redefine and reinvigorate the historic relationship between planning and public health. There remain many barriers to achieving progress such as political, technical and financial barriers which are apparent throughout the Commonwealth. Not the least of these is the widespread chronic lack of capacity in town planning often in the very settlements that are experiencing the greatest pressures of rapid urbanisation.
CAP is contributing to addressing this problem by supporting an emerging project , ‘Healthy Urban Planning’, which aims to enhance local capacity to deliver effective and inclusive strategies for managing urbanisation to meet the UN goals. The aim is to use skilled volunteers to augment local planners, other disciplines, politicians and communities in defining planning options and devising practical strategies that integrate health and planning for all. The aim is to complement other initiatives such as international consultancy and the guidance such as the CAP/ Prince’s Foundation project for a Toolkit for Rapid Urbanisation.
If you would like further information in the project or wish to get involved please get in touch.
Neil Blackshaw, Project leader.